Reconstructive Surgery
Reconstructive surgery is used to fix parts of the body that look bad or don’t work right because of a birth defect, a problem during development, or an injury.
On the pages that follow, we’ll talk about some of the most common pros and cons of these procedures. No surgery is completely risk-free. During a consultation with an experienced plastic surgeon, you should talk about all of the possible benefits and risks.
Breast Implant Removal
Explant SurgeryBreast Reconstruction
Know Your Post-Mastectomy Options
Breast Reduction
Reduction Mammaplasty Cleft Lip and Cleft Palate Repair
Correcting Abnormal Development
Congenital Anomalies
Surgical Correction of Birth Anomalies Craniosynostosis Surgery
Head Reshaping
Gender Affirmation Surgeries
Transgender-Specific Facial, Top and Bottom Procedures Giant Nevi Removal
Congenital Nevi Surgery
Hand Surgery
Improve Strength, Function and Flexibility Lymphedema Treatment
Surgical Options
Microscope-Assisted Operations Migraine Surgery
Chronic Headache Relief
Orthognathic Surgery
Jaw Straightening Panniculectomy
Body Contouring
Regenerative Medicine
The Future of Plastic Surgery Scar Revision
Minimize a Scar
Deviated Septum Correction Skin Cancer Removal
Reconstruction After Skin Cancer
Tissue Expansion